Full Body Airbag And Rollers
The smart airbags of the massage chair for legs and back hold and release the muscles the same way as a skilled and professional therapist does to relieve your pain. The airbags of the seat inflates simultaneously to induce better flexibility to your lower back.
Zero Gravity
In a zero gravity armchair, the torso and thighs are perfectly aligned, the legs are relaxed above the level of the heart and head, and the hips and ankles form a 90-degree angle. This results in a neutral position of the spine, in which the gravitational forces do not affect
Lower Back Heat
Select to recline completely, remove all weight and pressure while enjoying the heating function that warms your lower back. Experience the full body massager chair for pain relief and kneading massage with soothing heat. The full body massage chair machine comes with a heater to provide comfort to your lower back.